Get Casey's Law in Your State

Join the Movement

We believe that your location should not determine whether or not a loved one gets the potentially life saving resources they need. This is why we've made it our goal to make Casey's Law a national law. To do that, we first need to start on the state level. You can help by building support in your own state.

On this page you will find resources to aid you in building support and starting the process in your state. We've included status reports of states who have already begun the process, as well as resources that can help you get started. 

If you don't see your state listed, or have more questions, fill out the form below and ask what steps you need to take to start the conversation in your state. We're in this together!

Join the facebook page here to start the conversation. 

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The process has started in Georgia with initial conversations to State Legislator, Robert Dickey who has been helpful in providing information on how to get Casey's Law recognized in this state. Current goals are to get in touch with state representatives, state health committees, and local sheriff departments to familiarize each with the Casey's Law and get them on board. 

Interested in helping with the efforts in Georgia?
Contact Ashley Pollette

West Virginia

Our efforts are just getting started in West Virginia, reach out to see how you can help. 

Interested in helping with the efforts in West Virginia?
Contact Anna Holley

References & Resources

Since the passage of Casey’s Law in Kentucky, there have been hundreds of phone calls and emails from families across the country who have requested information about how to initiate Casey’s Law in their state. We hope the following resources will help you get started the process started in your own state.